Udaipur - again

These are a few odd pics shot (out of a fair number) during one day in Udaipur, Rajasthan, this year.  A number have had some HDR processing (using PhotomatixPro).
When I brought these pics into this blog, the site ordered them randomly.  Ah well...  Back home at this point, so we'll see how many more pics I'll add.
Oh...and click on the pics to embiggen.

Goa - Royal Enfield 'One Ride' 2012

I did the Royal Enfield annual 'One Ride' day in Panjim.  I borrowed a 2011 Royal Enfield Bullet 350 and drove up and did the 'One Ride' out of Panjim, to Old Goa and back.  I've put up a few pics of the ride at my Royal Enfield blog at http://royalenfieldofdreams.blogspot.ca/2012/04/royal-enfield-one-ride-2012-day-in.html .